Forest Management Agreement Saskatchewan: A Comprehensive Guide

Saskatchewan is home to vast forests that serve as critical ecosystems and natural resources. As such, the government of Saskatchewan has implemented forest management agreements to ensure the sustainable utilization and management of these forests.

If you`re a forest products company looking to harvest timber in Saskatchewan, understanding the Forest Management Agreement (FMA) system is essential. This article will provide you with everything you need to know about FMA in Saskatchewan.

What is the Forest Management Agreement?

A Forest Management Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the Government of Saskatchewan and a forest products company. It sets out the terms and conditions under which the company can harvest timber from a specific area of forest land in the province.

The FMA system was established in 1992 as a means of ensuring the sustainable management of Saskatchewan`s forest resources. The agreements are usually long-term (typically 20 or 25 years) and provide certainty for both the government and the forest products company.

Who can enter into an FMA?

The FMA system is open to all forest products companies that meet the eligibility criteria set out by the government. Companies must demonstrate their ability to manage forests sustainably, abide by environmental and labour standards, and provide a range of economic benefits to Saskatchewan.

The government evaluates applications based on several criteria, including but not limited to:

• The company`s expertise and experience in sustainable forest management

• The company`s ability to invest in the forest industry and impact Saskatchewan`s economic development

• Whether the company has a track record of complying with environmental and labour standards

• The company`s commitment to indigenous consultation and involvement

How does an FMA work?

The FMA agreement outlines the volume and area of timber the forest products company can harvest over the agreement period. The agreement also sets out the forest management practices the company must follow to ensure sustainable forest management.

The forest products company must submit annual plans to the government outlining the areas of the forest they plan to harvest, the volumes of timber they expect to harvest, and the forest management practices they will employ.

Throughout the agreement period, the government monitors the company`s compliance with the agreement and the sustainability of forest management practices.

What are the benefits of an FMA?

For forest products companies, an FMA provides secure access to timber resources, enabling them to plan for the long term and invest in the forest industry.

For the government, an FMA ensures the sustainable use and management of Saskatchewan`s forest resources, provides economic benefits to the province, and supports local employment.

For Indigenous communities, an FMA provides opportunities for meaningful consultation and involvement in the management of forest resources, ensuring that their voices are heard and their interests are protected.


The FMA system in Saskatchewan plays a vital role in promoting sustainable forest management, supporting economic development, and creating opportunities for Indigenous communities. As a forest products company, understanding the FMA system is essential to secure access to timber resources and ensure compliance with environmental and labour standards.

If you`re considering entering into an FMA agreement, it`s important to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and have the capacity to manage forests sustainably. With the right approach, an FMA can provide a stable and long-term foundation for your forest products business in Saskatchewan.