SV Agreements: Everything You Need to Know

As a professional, it’s important to stay up-to-date on industry terminology. One term you may have come across is “SV agreements.” In this article, we’ll define what SV agreements are, their significance in the SEO world, and how to implement them in your writing.

What are SV Agreements?

SV stands for “subject-verb” agreement. This refers to the grammatical rule that states the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number (i.e., singular or plural). For example, “The cat jumps” is correct because “cat” is singular and “jumps” is the singular verb. “The cats jump” is also correct because “cats” is plural, and “jump” is the plural verb.

In SEO writing, SV agreements are crucial because they help search engines determine the subject of your content. Search engines use various algorithms to analyze your content and determine its relevancy to users’ search queries. If your writing lacks proper SV agreements, search engines may struggle to understand what your content is about, resulting in lower rankings.

Why are SV Agreements Important in SEO?

As previously mentioned, proper SV agreements help search engines better understand the subject of your content. When search engines can determine what your content is about, they can more accurately match it to users’ search queries. This increases the likelihood of your content appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

Additionally, proper grammar and syntax make your writing more readable and engaging for users. When users enjoy reading your content, they’re more likely to stay on your website longer, reducing bounce rates and improving SEO.

How to Implement SV Agreements in Your Writing

Implementing proper SV agreements in your writing is fairly straightforward. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Identify the subject of your sentence.

Before you begin writing, identify the subject of your sentence. This will help you choose the correct verb to match.

2. Use plural verbs with plural subjects.

When your subject is plural, ensure your verb is plural as well. For example, “The dogs bark.”

3. Use singular verbs with singular subjects.

When your subject is singular, ensure your verb is singular as well. For example, “The cat meows.”

4. Watch out for tricky subjects.

Some subjects may seem plural but are actually singular (e.g., “news” or “mathematics”). Ensure you’re using the correct verb for the subject, not how it sounds.


As an SEO-focused copy editor, it’s important to understand the significance of proper SV agreements in writing. By ensuring your subject and verb agree in number, you improve your content’s readability and search engine optimization. Remember to identify your subject, use plural verbs with plural subjects, use singular verbs with singular subjects, and be mindful of tricky subjects. By implementing these tips, you’ll improve your writing’s SEO and engage your audience.